World-renowned scientist Maggie Gordon is on the verge of unlocking the blueprint for immortality while searching for a cure for cancer. She is unaware that her company's founder is a recalcitrant immortal about to be cut off from the ancient elixir of immortality. Her research is sparking a firestorm of controversy and putting her in peril – on multiple planes of existence. A battle between modern science and ancient power ensues, with consequences that may be beyond repair.
Maggie hails from Scotland’s ancient and mysterious Orkney Islands. She is raised by her beloved Nana, a mystical healer who believes it is Maggie’s destiny to replace her when she dies. Maggie rejects her past steeped in Scottish supernaturalism because the healing powers failed to cure her mother’s cancer. She opts for a more pragmatic approach to curing cancer and becomes a top bioengineer and synthetic biologist.
The story plays out across centuries and continents, juxtaposing revolutionary scientific discoveries and high-stakes action with the mystical realm of immortals. I’ve been inspired by writers like Matt Haig, Sarah Penner, and V.E. Schwab. Like the fiction of those authors, THE WISDOM KEEPERS entertains while challenging readers to take a deep, introspective dive into their own lives and values and to see new connections in the world around them, including the current-day disruptive technology (bioengineering and synthetic biology) that is on the cusp of redefining life.
A medley of pictures portraying scenes and characters from THE WISDOM KEEPERS follows below.